GALACTICA launches 8 Learning expeditions to foster cross-sectoral innovation in Aerospace, Textiles and Advanced Manufacturing Sectors to be held along October & November.

GALACTICA launches 8 Learning expeditions to foster crosssectoral innovation in  Aerospace, Textiles and Advanced Manufacturing Sectors to be held along October &  November.

July 21st, 2021 GALACTICA launched, last week, the registration and information for the 8 learning  expeditions among the different prioritized sectors: textile, aeronautics/aerospace and advanced  manufacturing. At the same time, the first 4 calls for travel vouchers to participate in these, were opened  through expressions of interest. The experiences of the crosscluster learning expeditions will consist of  crosssectoral visits to leading companies in the industry, followed by workshops to foster the generation  of new projects and collaborations between the different sectors.

GALACTICA Learning Expeditions and crosssectoral fertilization workshops.
GALACTICA has prepared 8 Learning expeditions for crosssectoral innovation in Aerospace, Textiles and  Advanced Manufacturing Sectors to be held along October & November 2021. This is an opportunity to  visit, learn and listen to success stories from leading companies from different industrial sectors.

Intercluster learning expeditions experiences will foster crosssectoral collaborations throughout visits to  industryleading companies (i.e. Airbus Composite manufacturing facilities, Lufthansa Technik, ANTEX among others) and top research facilities (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Fraunhofer IFAM, Polytechnic
University of Catalonia (UPC), Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), LEITAT Technological Center, IRT Jules Verne, ZAL Center for Aeronautical research, CATEC, CENTI) followed by networking between the different participants and local companies, and workshops to facilitate the generation of crosssectoral

Intercluster mutual learning visits and innovation workshops will bring together the different sectors involved with the aim to reduce the silolike sectoral boundaries fostering, the gettoknow on the operations in other sectors, the innovation mechanisms other used and seeding of crosssectoral collaboration for innovation. This can lead to untapped opportunities that arise from crossings of the sectors, both in terms of technological cooperation and innovation such as development of new materials,  processes and products, but also in terms of nontechnological innovation such as the development of new business models, new marketing tools, management systems, processes, creativity tools and industrial design.

Do not miss this opportunity to learn the latest trends in the sectors of aerospace, textile and advanced manufacturing, participate in crosssectoral fertilization workshops and networking opportunities that Galactica offers you.

Information and registration to GALACTICA Learning expeditions can be done from the webpage:

There you can find the full agenda and financial support to participate. Startups and SMEs can apply for travel vouchers of up to €650 to participate in one of GALACTICA’s learning expeditions.

Read entire press release here: Press Release – GALACTICA results 1st Call for proposals

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