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FiBAN’s Startup Survey: 80% of startups seek angel investors for networks and industry expertise

Startup founder pitching at FiBAN’s Pitch Finland at Elo offices. Image: Wasim Al-Nasser, FiBAN ry.


FiBAN’s June startup survey results collected answers from 90 startups that have sought funding through FiBAN. According to the results, networks, and expertise in internationalization and growth strategy are seen as valuable perks of including an angel in a startup’s funding round. Attention to improving diversity is called upon by both startups and angel investors.


Angel investors’ networks are seen as valuable, particularly for internationalization, growth strategy, and commercialization. While the majority of feedback was positive, startup entrepreneurs expressed a desire for increased focus on enhancing diversity, transparency of the evaluation process, and clearer guidance for funding applications. 

“Developing the startup experience will be one of FiBAN’s key areas of focus,” says CEO Tiina Laisi-Puheloinen.

FiBAN’s data shows that most startup teams seeking angel investment are still mostly all-male teams, though the proportion of mixed teams and female teams has increased. 

Male-dominated teams still prevail: among startup teams seeking angel investment, only 6% are composed solely of women, while 49% are composed solely of men. 45% of the applying teams are mixed teams with all genders as founders.


Attention to diversity is requested by both angels and startups

Among teams that have progressed to the investment negotiation phase, 52% of teams consist only of men. 41% of these teams are composed of individuals of different genders, and 7% are composed solely of women. The negotiation phase is where companies and investors perform due diligence and agree on the terms of investment.

Diversity of teams and ideas are requested by angels too. “More diverse teams also predict better success for startups,” says Laisi-Puheloinen.

“FiBAN’s role is not only to find suitable investment opportunities for angels but also to help startup companies find funding. It’s positive to see that the applicants increasingly represent more international and diverse teams,” Laisi-Puheloinen says.


Validate your business before seeking an investment

However, according to FiBAN’s application data, companies often paint a rosier picture of their situation. Most of the respondents assessed their companies to be in the product’s initial version (MVP/seed), product-market fit, or rapid growth stage (scaling). Only a small fraction considered themselves to be in the ideation phase among the respondents. 

A significant portion of companies seeking funding from FiBAN are not yet ready for an investment – the product and idea may be great, but credible numbers are still lacking.

“As an entrepreneur, it’s good to assess your company from the perspective of whether you would invest in it yourself if you were looking at it from an outsider’s point of view,” Laisi-Puheloinen says.

“It’s important that the business has been validated to some extent before investors join in. Angels as well as other investors want evidence of the viability, scalability, and demand. ” Laisi-Puheloinen emphasizes.

Having been a startup entrepreneur herself, she understands the challenges of seeking funding. “Applying is a tough job for every entrepreneur, but I’d encourage you not to give up. Though submitting an application doesn’t guarantee funding, you can always reapply for funding from FiBAN when your business is a bit further”, she adds.

FiBAN is one of the largest angel investor networks in Europe with 670 members from 20+ countries. Approximately 12% of FiBAN members are women.

More Information

Milja Inkeri Mäkelä, Communications Manager

FiBAN ry

(phone only for editorial use)

+35840 538 5418


Tiina Laisi-Puheloinen, CEO 

FiBAN ry