
Transatlantic Startup Pitch

DEPO Ventures would like to invite you to the online event Transatlantic Startup Pitch scheduled for next Tuesday, February 9, and moderated by Shawn Flynn - amentor, speaker, and host of the Silicon Valley Podcast.. This is the only event that brings the American and European startup ecosystem together and creates place with no boarders. Thanks to the unique

Webinar presenting the 2020 EBAN Guidebook on Measuring Angel Market Data

  EBAN Data, an initiative aimed at elevating the quality of business angel investment research, is delighted to invite you to the upcoming webinar discussing how make best use of the 2020 Guidebook to measure your angel community's investment data. Join us on Wednesday, February 10th at 12:00 PM CET to hear keynote speaker Prof. Colin Mason, world renowned professor and

HBAN All-island Business Angels Conference 2021

  The HBAN 2020 All-Island Conference will take place on Thursday, February 11th. This year, HBAN will host a virtual conference featuring Irish and International speakers as well as round table discussions featuring leaders in emerging sectors. The organization will be working with the best in Irish Virtual Events organization to be able to facilitate networking

International Venture Academy 2021 Kickoff Event

Jyväskylä Business Rally, EBAN Investor Day 2019. Photographer Hanna-Kaisa Hämäläinen Are you running a scale-up company in the field of digital health and well-being? Do you want to grow your business to new markets? Are you interested in international angel funding to boost your business? International Venture Academy is an investor program for companies looking for

Demystifying Angel Investing: An Introduction to the World of Early-Stage – ACA Angel University

Angel investors are high net worth individuals who invest their own money into seed stage startup companies, providing much-needed capital to bring new companies to market.  Join us for a dynamic panel discussion with leading experts to explore the basics of angel investing, including three reasons to consider angel investing as part of your well-balanced portfolio: opportunity to make

1st GALACTICA webinar on Advanced Technologies for Textiles and Aerospace sectors

Digital Transformation should be seen as essential to keep industrial companies competitive, promote new business models, and drive new value chains. However, if not well managed, this may be an expensive and risky process. Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee that companies, mainly SMEs, have the tools to implement this digital evolution effectively, strongly focused

EVPA Impact Measurement & Management Online Course

EVPA’s most successful course continues in 2021. Join EVPA together with Social Value International to learn more about measuring and managing impact according to the Social Value Intl standards and the EVPA 5-step framework. The 94,4% satisfaction rate of this online course speaks for itself as do the speakers Adam Richards (Social Value International), Karen

EVPA Impact Measurement & Management Online Course

EVPA’s most successful course continues in 2021. Join EVPA together with Social Value International to learn more about measuring and managing impact according to the Social Value Intl standards and the EVPA 5-step framework. The 94,4% satisfaction rate of this online course speaks for itself as do the speakers Adam Richards (Social Value International), Karen

EU-India VC Connect Project Pitching Session

EBAN has partnered with Nasscom, Global Business Inroads (GBI) and Invest Europe to showcase the best Indian startups to our audience of European early stage investors through the Europe VC Connect Program. Through this partnership, EBAN aims to give it's community first-hand access to the Indian market by offering a series of pitching sessions showcasing promising Indian startups: a

EU VC Connect Pitch Series 2021

Enterprise Europe Network India, in collaboration with EBAN and NASSCOM, are planning the 2nd edition of the EU VC Connect series to connect European Investors to innovative start-ups from India on 25th February 2021. Investors from Europe will have the opportunity to be associated with the promising and the world’s third-largest startup ecosystem by actively taking part in these pitch

Are you an emerging Organisation?
We are Here To support You

Have additional questions?

Feel free to contact us under, and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

Regular Price for Angel Networks
1.500€ per year
Price for Emerging Networks
1.000€ per year*
*Networks with less than 200 members or less than 10M invested per year
Regular Price for Angel Federations
2.500€ per year
Price for Emerging Federations
1.500€ per year*
*Federations with less than 200 affiliated angels or less than 3 BANs, VCs, or syndicates be part of their network
Regular Price for Early Stage Funds
2.500€ per year
Price for Emerging Early Stage Funds
1.500€ per year*
*Early Stage Funds with less than 20M AUM
Regular Price for Funding Platforms
2.500€ per year
Price for Emerging Funding Platforms
1.500€ per year*
*Platforms with less than 20M Euros of transactions made