The Power of Diversity: Unlocking the potential of gender equality in a BAN on March 16th at 15:00 CET
Gender Diversity is essential to foster the early-stage investment ecosystem. Women not only have the capital to invest but also the interest, skills, and connections to support the BAN. As panelists joining the session, we will have Brigitte Baumann, EBAN President Emeritus; Marta Huidbro, AEBAN Vice President; Guri Koiava, Co-Founder at Axel & Startup Büro and Sona Veziryan, Director at BANA Angels. To understand how to increase the percentage of women and keep your eyes open on how to boost your BAN, participate in the Webinar "The power of diversity: Unlocking the potential of gender equality in a BAN" on March 16th at 15:00 CET. Sign up for Free!