THE OPPORTUNITY This event has been designed and organized by Fondazione E. Amaldi, in the framework of the NSE - New Space Economy ExpoForum 2022. The Pitch Competition aims to stimulate investments and growth opportunities for new disruptive businesses and provides the stage and launch pad for your venture. The call is open to start-ups and scale-ups that propose innovative business projects. CANDIDACY In order to participate, you will have to: carefully read the regulation available at: nseexpoforum.com/pitch-competition; register to Eventbrite by filling the dedicated form and uploading the YouTube link* to your video pitch of the maximum duration of 3 minutes presenting the key elements of your entrepreneurial idea highlighted in the next section. * Upload the Pitch on YouTube in video format in private mode or unlisted. THE PITCH The pitch is the vehicle for the promotion of the project which must contain the information necessary for the evaluation process including: the value proposition, the market, the competitors, the team and the requested funding. The videos submitted to the Pitch Competition are selected based on the following criteria: innovation and originality of the business idea; usefulness of the proposal in terms of needs met; feasibility in terms of competitiveness and consistency of the marketing plan; scalability, i.e. the replicability of the project in terms of internationalisation and finding new markets. The winners will have the chance to pitch during the closing ceremony of NSE ExpoForum 2022 in front of investors, corporate partners and space agencies. THE PRIZE The prizes up for grabs consist of: The winners of the competition will receive a prize with a total value of € 30,000 (Euro thirty thousand/00) divided as follows: First place: €15.000 (Euro fifteen thousand/00) divided in €10.000 (Euro ten thousand/00) cash and €5,000 (Euro five thousand/00) in services; Second place: €10.000 (Euro ten thousand/00) divided in €5.000 (Euro five thousand/00) cash and €5,000 (Euro five thousand/00) in services; Third place: €5.000 (Euro five thousand/00) in services. The winners will be revealed on 3rd December 2022 during the Award Ceremony starting from 12.15 pm. Read the full REGULATION here: nseexpoforum.com ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Do you need more information? Get in contact with us: eventi@fondazioneamaldi.it