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Austrian Business Angel Summit
July 10, 2020 @ 09:30 - 14:00
The Business Angel Summit, taking place on July 10th from 09:30 – 14:00, brings together Austrian top know-how and private financial support. Potential investors are given a personal insight into the very latest deal flow of innovations on the Austrian start-up scene. Angel Investors have the opportunity to meet young companies with new technologies and services and high growth potential and to invest their money in the best projects.
Ten start-ups will be given the opportunity to pitch live, followed by the possibility for digital one-on-one meetings with interested investors. Before the pitches, Markus Fuhrmann, the founder of Delivery Hero, will be sharing his success story.
Participation is free of charge, registration ends on June 30th, 2020.
Further information and registration can be found here: www.businessangelsummit.at